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Note to Charlotte Smith, by Dave Griswold


(This is a note from Dave Griswold to Charlotte, a day or two after Kip’s death, published with his permission)


For me, a meeting with Kip was always the same. I would smile in anticipation and that smile would expand into a grin at seeing him and within minutes I would be in convulsive laughter. Kip loved to make people laugh and he was good at it. Like all great comedians, he had a combination of skills that made him so wonderful. His intellect, quickness, and great timing, mixed with Texas bravado and tremendous enthusiasm all contributed to make him a great story teller. But his greatest strength was his love of people. Kip wanted to make you laugh because he cared for you.

So many stories--one of my best was your wedding. He loved you so much and the wedding reflected, that coupled with all your great friends. It was one of the best times I ever had and the reception was like no other. Usually a reception lasts a few hours before the bride and groom take off. You guys stayed til ten. No one wanted to leave, and Kip was the ringmaster, going from group to group, keeping everyone in hysterics. You were the perfect couple.

And I remember last year. I had a business trip that took me through Houston. I called Kip and he met me in bar near the airport. I was in a bad mood. My trip had gone badly, and I was griping about business, politics, taxes, young people, technology, and the world at large. Kip listened politely for a while and then I think he felt I had vented enough. He started telling stories and almost immediately, I forgot about my problems and the laughter overtook me. I began to have fun and enjoy the moment. Later that evening, I few back to New York with a smile on my face.

Today I can hardly recall the business meeting or what may or may not have been accomplished. But I will never forget the time with Kip and what he meant to me. That memory will be with me always.

And like everyone who knew him, I will miss him terribly.


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