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45th Reunion Photo Album
Photos by Carl Sharpe
Layout & Captions by Ned Groth



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Above left: Ned and Dave don their reunion shirts (what bodies!!) While Towner chats with Huib and Howdy (behind Huib) snaps a risqué picture. Above Center: Anson marvels that Carl got him a shirt that’s big enough, while John admires the view from the Inn’s steps. Above Right, Carl at the Inn as we prepared to go up to campus to register.


Software: Microsoft OfficeSoftware: Microsoft Office


Left: Frank and Howdy during one of our gatherings at the Inn. Right: Ned chats with Nancy Wolf at the reception in the Dairy Barn, while Mike Terry (background) prepares to go out and have a smoke.




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Above left: These flowers (foxglove?) on the dining room window sill at the Inn caught the morning light and were much-photographed; here, Carl shoots Frank shooting the flowers. Above center: Towner, Huib & Bill on the Meeting House steps as we assembled for the group photo Saturday morning. This angle suggests what these guys probably looked like to freshmen when they were senior prefects—and what they still look like to Carl. Right, Nancy at the lectern during the morning alumni meeting in the Chapel.


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Above left: Jay and Peter chatting, at the lunch site. Above center: Ned tried to reach Duane Lehmann, but Duane had to work, could not come up ’til Sunday. Above right: The sun sets over the valley as we sit down to a barbecue dinner under the tent. Below left: Huib and Kathy enjoying said dinner. Below center: Bill, Joan and Gib. Below right: Howdy and Jerrie.

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And then there were fireworks….

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