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45th Reunion Photo Album
Photos by School Photographers
Layout & Captions by Ned Groth



The school sent me a CD with about three dozen photos of members of our class, taken during Friday and Saturday of reunions. (None from Sunday, it seems, so we did not get any pictures of Duane Lehmann, who was on campus Sunday while we were all over at Peter’s for our brunch.)  A few of those pictures caught us at moments the people pictured would possibly pay me to forget. A number of them are duplicates (very similar versions of the same shot). Many of them are seriously underexposed. But more than a few of them caught one or several of us at moments worth memorializing. These are presented here, with just a minimum of captions and commentary. Thanks to the school and Alex Heddinger for making these available!

The class photo now on the home page of the website is the official school shot, taken with the Hasselblad the guy was using. Other versions of the similar shots that appear elsewhere in these albums were taken at almost the same time by Margau Manchester, with my camera.



Software: Microsoft Office

The school photographer didn’t get many photos of us at Friday’s reception and dinner. (He or she was apparently down at Whitaker house memorializing the class of ‘57’s 50th reunion cocktail party. I guess we’ll get the same honor in 5 years, assuming traditions last that long.) here, we see Joe and Laurie focusing on each other for a moment.




Saturday Morning


Software: Microsoft Office



This “alumni body” shot suffers from poor lighting conditions; those of us in the back row (on the steps) or around the edges are in the shade and can’t really be seen. (That includes me—the streak of light in front of the top of the center door is my nose and chin sticking out into the sunlight!) What’s notable here is the sea of ’62 shirts. Better portraits can be found in the several closer-up shots below.






Software: Microsoft Office



Software: Microsoft Office











Software: Microsoft Office










Software: Microsoft Office

Here, left, we are lining up to parade from the Meeting House to the Chapel, behind Don Woytowitz '60 and Jon van Vorst ’60, bearers of the ‘60s banner. Sorry, the shot was way underexposed. In the photo at right, Chip Detwiller and Chuck Currie, ’61, can be seen at the left.


Software: Microsoft Office

Software: Microsoft Office



Portrait of Tom Bird, left; Ned and Peter Bowen, ’57, receiving awards at the Alumni Meeting in the Chapel, right. Below, Margau Manchester participated in an art workshop on Saturday.




Software: Microsoft Office


Saturday Afternoon and Evening


Software: Microsoft Office





Software: Microsoft Office


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